2020 Reading Goals
It is now officially 2020 and I am doing a few things a little bit differently from my previous yearly goals.
For this year I don't really have any big goal other than read more of my own personal books that I have purchased. As a book blogger, I have been receiving many books and ebooks to review and those books have taken priority so I admit I have not been reading much of what I have been buying and yes I have bought quite a bit in the past few years. Some of my oldest books that I have not read yet I had bought back in 2013. So I will try and accept fewer books to review but I will be reviewing more of the books I own. Sure they are older but sometimes we readers like to see older books reviewed as well, right?
Other than Goodreads I am using a binder to keep track of things (.i.e. what I am reading, challenges, goals, read-a-thons, books I own.)
I am doing something a little different by reading books from around the world. Mean books that are originally published in other Countries or other languages translated to English. If you have any suggestions then please let me know in the comments. I will be needing all the help I can get.
Last year I have been receiving a lot of different audiobooks to review and I have bought a bunch as well so I want to listen to more audiobooks since I have been getting into the habit of listening to music or audiobooks while I am cooking, going chores and writing reviews.
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