Bout Of Books 14.0 Day One

Bout of Books

I am happy to say that day one has gone a lot better than I expected  and it looks like I might have to add more books to my TBR for this read-a-thon. 

Ok .. Ok.. The books weren't that big and I do get a lot of distractions so for me that was quite a lot of reading on a weekday.  

Anyway,  for day one I read: 

Chew volume one

Sweet Magic Song 

And I also read about 10 percent of Dragonfly In Amber .  This book I only read a bit each night because it is part of a read-along I am taking part in.

I personally think that I did good and hopefully I will do just as good or better tomorrow.  


  1. That's awesome for Day One! It's always great to run out of books on our TBR pile, isn't it? :)


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