Most of you seen my TBR pile of shame post and I really need to read a lot of them . I promised my husband and myself I would not buy any books until I have at least lowered my TBR to about 40 books and my TBR pile is at 90 books right now so I have a lot of reading to do. So , I decided to take part in this read-a-thon to help me out a little bit.
I do have a few books to review during this read-a-thon but I will try to read all of those before or after .
Are you planning on taking part?
Here is the info on Tackle Your TBR:
The Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon begins Monday, September 14th and ends Sunday, September 27th, with a wrap-up (including giveaway winners) on September 28th. You do not have to be a blogger to sign up. Just use your Goodreads, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, or Tumblr, or leave a comment stating that you'll just post updates on my blog commenting on my updates instead (just pick a place you're going to post updates on). For the linky, you need to leave a link (so if you're going to post on my blog, then leave the link to my blog, but your email so that I have a way to reach you).
When the read-a-thon officially begins, you all will have a chance to add a sign-up/goals post (or leave it in comments in response to mine when that goes up on September 14th).
What can you read as part of the read-a-thon? Anything. It can be an audiobook, ebook, physical book, published, ARC, etc. There are no restrictions. The idea is to lower our TBR piles and any way you want to do that is just fine by me.
Please sign up by using the linky at the end of the this post (even if you're only going to be participating via commenting). You MUST be signed up in the linky to enter any related giveaways and participate in the challenges. YOU ARE REQUIRED TO POST A SIGN-UP POST (with or without goals, we will be posting goals too, but that isn't required as a separate post) AND A WRAP-UP POST (at the end of the read-a-thon) TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR THE GIVEAWAYS HOSTED HERE. Everything else and how you participate is up to you.
You're welcome to participate as much or as little as you'd like. The read-a-thon is to encourage us all to read so that we can tackle those tbr piles, not to cause extra stress. ;) You will see requests for updates, but there are no requirements that you leave an update every day. Daily updates are great, though, to help us all stay motivated and cheer each other on. If you do want to post a daily update, here is a simple template (omit or add things as you like):
Day of the week/Date
What I read today:
Today's finished books:
Total number of finished books:
Titles of finished books:
We will be using hashtag #TackleTBR on Twitter for updates and tweets. I'd love for you to include me in your tweets too @TresSherm. This is also a great way to find others participating and give some encouragement.
There will be a couple of giveaways that I will host for all read-a-thon participants and those details will be coming, as will the schedule, which I'm just leaving mostly blank for now.
This is the schedule for the read-a-thon, including challenges and giveaways (will be added to as we get closer):
Alethea Kontis, Katherine Reay, Bette Lee Crosby, and Lisa Wingate will all be stopping by so far!
9/14: Kick-off with giveaways. Giveaways will include:
- $15 Amazon gift card (INT)
- Book of winner's choice from their TBR (INT)
9/18: Spine Sentences Challenge @ Days of Daphne
9/21: Mid-Point Check-in & Twitter Chat
9/25: Challenge @ Singing Librarian Books
9/27: Read-a-thon Ends
9/21: Mid-Point Check-in & Twitter Chat
9/25: Challenge @ Singing Librarian Books
9/27: Read-a-thon Ends
9/28: Wrap-up Post (giveaway won't close until the end of day to allow everyone to link up)
CHALLENGESIf you’re participating in the read-a-thon and would love to host a challenge, this is what you need to know:
There aren't a lot of requirements to host a challenge, but here they are:
- You must have a blog to post on so that everyone has access to your post and can participate.
- Posts need to be up by 6 am wherever you live on the day of your post.
- Your challenge can be as easy (asking a question and the participant leaving a comment or linking a post on their blog, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, etc.) or as difficult as you like. Just be sure it’s something participants can do if they don’t have a blog and that it isn't too time consuming since the goal is to spend as much time reading.
- Challenges should include a giveaway. It can be something as small as a bookmark, a $5 gift card, or a book you have that can be shipped to the winner, or a larger prize, such as a new book or $20 gift card (you'll need to include details, such as for US entrants or open internationally, etc.).
- Your blog needs to be family friendly.
Authors! The read-a-thon isn't limited to just readers. Join in the fun with a guest post/excerpt/interview & giveaway. This can be great exposure for you! You don't have to be participating as a reader to post a challenge or giveaway. There is a requirement that your book not be erotica or contain very mature content or have a cover that isn't family friendly (general adult romance is fine) as this is a family-friendly blog (if you're not sure, or your book is borderline, then just ask - I just don't want steamy covers, erotica, or a lot of heavy swearing). To get more information and see about signing up, just fill out THIS FORM!
Sign up using the linky below and add the read-a-thon to your calendar! I'd also love it if you would spread the word by posting the read-a-thon button on your sidebar with a link back to this post and/or sharing on social media (remember to use #TackleTBR). Feel free to comment or email with questions. Then on September 14th come back here looking for some fun giveaways and challenges, and be prepared to link up your sign-up/goals post.
I also do have one question for you... If you'd like to participate in a Twitter chat, what time works best for you in Eastern Time? I'll try to pick a time that works best for everyone.
See you again then! - See more at: http://www.wishfulendings.com/2015/07/tackle-your-tbr-read-thon-sign-up.html#sthash.ipEsSbaE.dpuf
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